Meet Some of Our Winners

New winners every week!

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Ashley S.

Ashley was our first winner of the Breda Pest Football Shuffle! Ashley’s family enjoyed the Shuffle together: “I let my middle child do it with me because that is his favorite part of the game!”

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Alex E.

Alex got a kick out of seeing the Shuffle on TV: “It reminded me of being back at a Braves game, watching the team light it up in the playoffs!! Super fun surprise to see something like this on a TV spot!”

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Chris R.

Chris won the November 2 Ultimate Game Package: 4 tickets to the Georgia-Florida game in Jacksonville, and a parking pass PLUS a yearlong ESPN+ subscription! He enjoyed the Shuffle, saying: "It made me feel like I was in the game!"

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Robert A.

Robert was thrilled to find out he’d won the Shuffle, calling it "very exciting!”


Brittany R.

Brittany played the Shuffle with her daughter, saying: "I enjoyed the football shuffle, my daughter and I would compete to see who was correct! It reminded me of the games they would play on the jumbo screen at the in-person games."